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Blog Post

Fulfilling Humanitarian Commitments in 2017

InterAction makes ten discrete commitments in order to better serve those in humanitarian need across the globe.

April 12, 2018
A panel of several men and women representing numerous countries during the World Humanitarian Summit
Blog Post

‘They Have Forgotten the Lessons of Rana Plaza’

Five years after the Rana Plaza disaster, Bangladesh garment worker-organizers say employers still neglect worker safety.

April 17, 2018
A woman, sad and dejected, stands in front of a locked green door.
Press Release

Coates to Step Down From Role as President of InterAction

Coates will assume new leadership role with the NGO BRAC.

April 18, 2018
Blog Post

InterAction Launches Choose to Invest FY2019 with Bipartisan Support

For the last 50 years, U.S. leadership and investment in international development and humanitarian assistance have proved instrumental in helping…

April 23, 2018
Photo of reports on a table. Report cover shows smiling women carrying mushrooms with a smile child on her back, posing in front of brick wall.
Blog Post

NGOs and Risk Study Enters Second Phase, Survey Now Available

The new phase will focus on risk management within partnerships between national, local and international NGOs

April 23, 2018
Blog Post

Civilians and “By, With and Through”: Key Issues and Questions Related to Civilian Harm and Security Partnership

Working by, with, and through partners in military operations has become a preferred approach in U.S. security policy. Doing so without uniform controls governing conduct and the use of force can result in real consequences for civilians.

April 25, 2018
Firemen spray water on a large pile of smoldering rubble. Smoke fills the sky behind them.
Blog Post

2018 InterAction Forum Award Winners Announced

InterAction’s annual awards recognizes outstanding leaders within the global development and humanitarian sectors.

April 26, 2018
Blog Post

How Can We Be Heard If We Are Arrested?

Governments will fail to achieve the SDGs if issues of gender and the warnings of feminist activists are ignored.

April 30, 2018
Blog Post

Workshop Teaches NGOs How to Cultivate a Positive Public Image

The two-hour session focused on developing media relations best practices and making organizational messaging relevant.

April 30, 2018
Blog Post

May Day or Mayday?: A Global Snapshot of Women Workers

Women have played a key role in countries’ labor movements and economic development, but gender barriers continue to limit equality in the workplace.

May 1, 2018
Two women workers work on a aircraft
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