InterAction’s Response to COVID-19
In unprecedented times like these, InterAction and our Members have the opportunity to learn and strategize together.
Below are upcoming Working Group meetings and other events centered around COVID-19. Please note that these meetings are for InterAction Members only. If you would like to become a Member of InterAction, learn more HERE.
COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Working Group
If you would like to join COVID-19 weekly calls with Members focused on identifying field-level humanitarian operational and programmatic impediments as well as potential solutions, please email Kathryn Sidlowski.
U.N. Partnerships Working Group
This working group will foster dialogue with UNHCR and WFP on emerging issues regarding sub-agreements and broader NGO-U.N. partnership issues, including COVID-19 adaptive humanitarian programming. To join, please email Ashley Augsburger.
COVID-19 Small Group Discussions
Do you wish to be part of a small-group CEO conversation on COVID-19 short or long-haul strategy adaptations? Email Deborah Willig, Director of NGO Futures, and we will arrange logical groupings as best we can for sharing and collective puzzling of how and what to adapt.
Strengthening Partnerships Initiative
The Strengthening Partnerships Initiative facilitates greater cooperation between the U.S. government and NGO implementing partners to provide for better program design, increased efficiencies, and to engage policy-makers and legislators in their efforts to increase the impact of U.S. foreign assistance. If you would like to join, click HERE.
Public Policy Committee
The Public Policy Committee (PPC) is the central working group for InterAction’s coalition-wide public policy work. It provides a venue for Members to come together twice a month to share information and to plan and coordinate joint education and advocacy work focused on U.S. government policy-makers in Congress and the executive branch. If you would like to join, click HERE.
Protection Working Group
The Protection WG meets monthly and will continue to work on ongoing initiatives such as a virtual roundtable series and a virtual MHPSS learning event. Moving forward, the WG will also cover protection and the COVID-19 response. If your organization is interested in participating in the planning of either event or if you would like to learn more, please contact Anna Jaffe. If you would like to stay informed of the latest protection-related resources for COVID-19 humanitarian response, please contact Ife Akinmade.
Cross-Cutting Work
InterAction’s Public Policy Committee system is focusing advocacy around COVID-19 response, as well as development and humanitarian needs that arise as a result of the pandemic. Issues we are watching: operational impacts and necessary adjustments from donors, engaging Congress on additional funds or authorities required, and effects of COVID-19 on the populations our community serves.