Our work can be categorized into these main Issues. Explore our articles, publications, and find past and upcoming events through our Issue pages.

Empowering Civil Society
We work to defend and strengthen civil society space by advocating against restrictive policies that harm nonprofit operations and by supporting civil society organizations that save lives and help build sustainable communities worldwide.
Related Topics
Civil Society Education
NGOs & Risk Management
We organize tools and research for nonprofits operating in high-risk environments to better identify, measure, and manage risk within their programming and policies, while also advocating to ensure regulations do not unnecessarily restrict humanitarian operations.
Related Topics
NGO Risk Management
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment
We work with Member organizations to drive forward a holistic and integrated approach to the prevention and response of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PSEAH) for staff and the communities they serve in both humanitarian and development settings.
Related Topics
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
We focus on reducing the risk civilians experience during crises by educating our members, partners, and world leaders to ensure non-combatants are respected and protected as outlined by international humanitarian law.