InterAction Statement on the Global Food Security Act Reauthorization of 2022

"Manuel's Corn" Photograph by unknown submitted in the 2005 InterAction Photo Contest.

InterAction Statement on the Global Food Security Act Reauthorization of 2022

Facing a global food security crisis, the bipartisan and bicameral introduction of the Global Food Security Act Reauthorization of 2022 cements U.S. leadership to end global hunger and malnutrition at a critical time.

The bipartisan reauthorization of the Global Food Security Act (GFSA) in the House (H.R. 8446) and the Senate (S.4649) is a critical step to ensure that Feed the Future (FTF) programs remain fit for purpose to strengthen global food systems, build resilience to shock and stresses, improve community nutrition, and enhance agricultural livelihoods.

InterAction commends the leadership, commitment, and work of cosponsors, Representatives Betty McCollum (D-MN) and Chris Smith (R-NJ); House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman and Ranking Member Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Michael McCaul (R-TX); and Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Jim Risch (R-ID), Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Ranking Member, Chris Coons (D-DE), and John Boozman (R-AR), to ensure a reauthorization of GFSA this Congress.

Hunger is rising around the world due to the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, conflict, economic crises, and disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic. For vulnerable communities where these compounding shocks have eroded their food system’s resilience, the conflict in Ukraine could be the final blow. The urgency of this moment is why the NGO community called for decisive mobilization and a step change in U.S. Government (USG) leadership to respond to the global food security crisis.

In the face of these challenges, investing in holistic and locally-led, multisectoral approaches to agricultural development and resilience building through Feed the Future is a smart and sustainable choice.

Through the Feed the Future Initiative, the U.S. is at the forefront of global efforts to confront and respond to the global food security crisis. The USG is increasing Feed the Future investments and expanding the targeted countries in which it works to help families withstand rising food prices. Evidence shows that investments like this in resilience minimize the severity of the next disaster when it strikes and reduce the need for future humanitarian assistance. In fact, for every $1 invested in resilience and adaptation efforts, $3 is reduced in humanitarian assistance down the line.

InterAction supports a comprehensive and substantive reauthorization of the Global Food Security Act (GFSA) that builds on lessons learned from the last decade of Feed the Future implementation to target root causes of hunger and poverty through:

  • An integrated multisectoral approach;
  • Improved coordination between Feed the Future and other USG global food security programs;
  • Improved nutrition integration and reporting;
  • Greater focus on climate-smart agriculture and adaptation;
  • Higher authorization of appropriations;
  • Clear commitment to locally-led development;
  • Strengthened approach to gender;
  • Increased integration of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH);
  • Diversified support for inclusive research and local partnerships.

The Feed the Future Initiative was launched in 2010 as the U.S.’s response to the food price spikes of 2007 and 2008. It operates in 20 target countries and builds on existing technical expertise, programs, and partnerships in an additional 35 countries. In 2016, the GFSA was signed into law with overwhelming bipartisan support, formally codifying the Feed the Future Initiative and creating the whole-of-government U.S. Global Food Security Strategy. Its reauthorization in 2018 further elevated U.S. global leadership to respond to rising food insecurity and malnutrition. The Global Food Security Reauthorization Act updates and strengthens the work of the original legislation for an additional five years.

InterAction looks forward to working with cosponsors to ensure GFSA reauthorization is signed into law.

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