Christine Knudsen

Director, Humanitarian Policy

Christine Knudsen joined InterAction as the Director of Humanitarian Policy in January 2024. Christine works with Members and stakeholders to craft positions, advocate, and represent InterAction in key global humanitarian policy forums. She is committed to working with the diverse InterAction community to inform learning and policy development in the international humanitarian system.

With more than 20 years of humanitarian experience across the NGO community and U.N. system, Christine has focused deeply on coordination, policy, and principled partnership. She served as the Executive Director of Sphere during the 2018 revision process, and more recently as the Emergency Director of U.N. Habitat based in Nairobi, working previously with UNICEF on Humanitarian Partnerships and with OCHA on protection and coordination. Earlier in her career, she worked closely with InterAction as co-chair of the Protection Working Group while serving as a senior child protection officer with Save the Children. She has also served in the field with both UNHCR and Catholic Relief Services, and has been deployed globally throughout her career.

Christine holds an M.A. in International Relations from Johns Hopkins/SAIS.

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