U.S. Humanitarian and Development Organizations Denounce Discrimination and Intolerance

U.S. Humanitarian and Development Organizations Denounce Discrimination and Intolerance

As American faith-based and secular organizations working to end poverty, hunger, disease, and injustice in every part of the world, we unequivocally condemn the recent horrendous attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

It has become clear that the anti-Semitic assailant who committed the massacre was also motivated to spread hatred and disinformation about HIAS, an InterAction member organization that works to provide welcome, safety and freedom to refugees. We stand in solidarity with HIAS and reaffirm our commitment to communities everywhere that are targets of hatred.

Unfortunately, some organizations within our sector have experience with being the targets of hatred because of their faith-based or humanitarian operating principles. These American institutions have functioned successfully for many years and play a critical role in providing development and relief to individuals domestically and abroad. As a broad community reflecting the diversity of America, we, as members of InterAction, view any act of aggression on one of our organizations as an attack on all. Such attacks undercut our entire community’s ability to assist people in need.

The violence in Pittsburgh reminds us to not leave anyone behind in the face of intolerance. The acceleration of discrimination and intolerance must be halted and reversed. Such hatred runs counter to our values as Americans, hurts our sector’s efforts to address growing global needs and erodes our nation’s integrity. Together, we deeply mourn the lives lost at the Tree of Life synagogue, and we resolve to intensify our work to ensure that organizations like ours can continue to help the communities we serve.

Last updated November 9, 2018

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