Over 100 U.S. NGOs Join InterAction Community Letter Supporting FY 2019 International Affairs Budget
Letter endorsed by NGO alliance calls on Congress to allocate no less than $59.1 billion for International Affairs
WASHINGTON – In anticipation of the President’s FY2019 budget release, InterAction and more than 100 partner organizations call on Congress to support robust funding for the International Affairs Budget at no less than $59.1 billion. Funding at this level reflects the InterAction community’s guideline for the minimum requirement to protect U.S. global leadership in support of poverty-focused international development and humanitarian assistance. Congress and the American people have consistently supported these investments in American leadership.
Funding for international development and humanitarian assistance programs is essential and must complement other initiatives that work to create a safer and more prosperous world. While global development and humanitarian programs account for less than one percent of the nation’s federal budget, they are instrumental in creating healthy lives and stable communities, as well as buttressing U.S. leadership and interests.
“Foreign assistance provided by the U.S. supports life-altering and life-saving programs for millions around the world,” said InterAction president Lindsay Coates. “In order to maintain the progress that has been made and restore American leadership, funding for foreign assistance must remain a priority.”
The InterAction community endorsement letter comes ahead of the organization’s annual publication Choose to Invest, a detailed budget guide that includes funding recommendations and justifications for over 40 key foreign assistance accounts. Choose to Invest also includes opportunities for Congress to invest additional funds to better meet unprecedented global challenges and catalyze American leadership. Choose to Invest for FY2019 is slated for release in mid-March.
InterAction is an alliance of U.S. international nongovernmental organizations, with more than 190 members. Our members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life. Visit www.interaction.org.