Results-Based Protection Resource Playlist

Photo By: Erica Mongelli is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Results-Based Protection Resource Playlist

Are you working to enhance protection in humanitarian crises and frustrated by the lack of measurable and meaningful outcomes? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the complex and ever-changing risk patterns in your specific context?

InterAction partnered with to produce a results-based protection playlist of free resources to help reduce risks faced by crisis-affected and vulnerable people.

Based on more than six years of consulting with a diverse array of practitioners and specialists, we at InterAction have identified three key elements to achieve measurable results in terms of reduced risk:

  • continuous, context specific analysis,
  • outcome-oriented methods, and
  • design for contribution

This playlist provides resources that can help integrate results-based methods and practices into your protection analysis, program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation to achieve protection outcomes. Developed in collaboration with Keri Baughman, Project Coordinator for Protection at InterAction.

Access the online resources

See more of InterAction’s work on results-based protection

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