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ActionAid Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms for SHEA and Safeguarding during COVID-19

Community-based complaints mechanisms ensure that communities can raise concerns about ActionAid staff/processes. Communities can use community complaints mechanisms to raise concerns, give feedback to international agencies, and report incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse. They help to create a strong culture of accountability; enable us to improve the quality, impact and effectiveness of our programmes; and ensure our programmes are safe during COVID-19.

June 1, 2021

ActionAid Digital SHEA and Safeguarding Risks during ActionAid’s COVID-19 Response

This guidance note looks at areas of digital/online engagement between staff/representatives and children, young people, communities and adults-at-risk, other staff/representatives. This guidance note identifies the risks that emerge from these ways of working and makes recommendations on how to embed safe SHEA and safeguarding approaches and the risk of our staff/representatives carrying out harm.

May 19, 2021

Aga Khan Foundation: Developing A Community-Based Complaints Mechanism in Consultation with Communities

This guideline is the result of a CBCM pilot project run by AKF in Afghanistan and Tajikistan in 2020 and 2021, co-funded by AKF USA and InterAction. The aim of this project was to pilot an approach to designing and implementing a community complaints/reporting model that drew on innovative engagement methods and that can be adapted to fir the needs of different communities (and the groups within them) in varying contexts.

April 5, 2022

Bond Safeguarding Complaints Policy

This document from Bond is a sample safeguarding complaints policy. It outlines sample procedures for making a complaint, how to make a complaint, who can make a complaint, and who is covered by the policy.

December 6, 2019

Bond: Reporting Procedure

This document from Bond provides guidance on procedures for dealing with reports of a breach of an NGOs safeguarding policy.

December 6, 2019

Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms for SHEA and Safeguarding during Covid-19

This document outlines key considerations when developing or modifying community-based complaints mechanisms during Covid-19, with a focus on how to ensure children, young people and communities can raise concerns about sexual exploitation and abuse and wider child abuse.

May 19, 2021

FHI 360 Safeguarding Tools

These documents were developed by FHI 360 to adapt globally approved PSEA guidelines, tools, and promising strategies applied in humanitarian/emergency settings to prevent and respond to SEA when implementing programming in traditional development and humanitarian-development nexus contexts. The available resources are as follows: 1. FHI 360 Framework and Minimum Standards for Safeguarding Program Participants. 2. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Five Required Tools 3. FHI 360 Toolkit - How to implement FHI 360s minimum standards for safeguarding program participants. 4. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Project Checklist 5. FHI 360 Safeguarding - How to Note, standalone 6. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Awareness Raising Activities 7. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Training - Workshop - Info Session

August 22, 2022

Guidelines on Setting Up on Community Based Complaint Mechanism

This document from the IASC gives standard operating procedures on collaboration on community-based complaints mechanisms. It involves advice on setting up a CBCM, receiving complaints, processing complaints, referrals for investigations, and communicating investigation status. Please note that this document is from 2016.

December 6, 2019

IASC SEA Community Based Complaint Referral Mechanism

This document provides important information on the Inter-Agency SEA Community-Based Complaint Referral Mechanism in Jordan. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the PSEA network, information on the inter-agency referral pathway, guidelines for investigations, and implementation challenges. This document is useful for NGOs that are working in Jordan and would like more information about PSEA measures that are in place. Please note: this document is from 2016 and there has not yet been an updated version.

December 6, 2019

Relief International PSEA Network tools

These tools from Relief International include: Non-branded Awareness Raising Materials Including: Code of Conduct Posters Staff Reporting Leaflet Focal Point Contact card- all available in PDFs & InDesign format Guidance on Raising Awareness with Communities in Emergencies (PDF) Action Plan Tool for Risk Assessment of Safeguarding in Country Programs (excel)

May 27, 2021
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