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Blog Post

U.S. Immigration Officials’ Forceful Separation of Children From Their Parents is Cruel and Inhumane

"The administration’s current actions violate the U.S. Refugee Act of 1980, are against the values of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and must stop."

June 19, 2018
Blog Post

Could Family Separation Increase Human Trafficking Risk for Immigrant Children?

Confusion and desperation in regard to immigration policies fuels human trafficking around the globe. Beyond the immediate dangers, the separation of children from their families only adds to the mental and emotional anguish of children who’ve already endured much on their way to the U.S. Southern border.

July 17, 2018
Three men and a woman facing large metal structure separating the U.S. and Mexico
Blog Post

Government Policies Affecting Immigrants and Asylum Seekers Worsen

It is incumbent on those of us who are part of the InterAction community, and broader civil society, to root American values, that affirm the potential and dignity of all people as a welcoming and compassionate nation, in our hearts. We must be an example for our leaders and our neighbors.

July 9, 2018
Blog Post

Fear of Deportation Exacts Toll on Children’s Mental Health

The mental health of young people is a growing concern for U.S. society as a whole, but But for undocumented youths or young citizens with undocumented relatives, the emotional or mental issues they grapple with are a multifaceted ordeal.

May 21, 2018
Blog Post

Diversity Makes America Great: We Are a Nation of Immigrants

Our own U.S. history and independent research demonstrate that migration to this country has been at the heart of our country’s growth.

February 23, 2018

Congress Must Put an End to Administration’s Prosecution and Detention of Asylum Seekers

"The trauma caused to children and families seeking refuge in our nation by these policies will have ramifications for generations to come."

June 21, 2018
Three men and a woman facing large metal structure separating the U.S. and Mexico
In the News

U.S. to Begin Blocking Asylum Seekers From Entering Over Mexican Border

The Trump administration said Thursday that it would start blocking a small number of asylum seekers from entering the United States from Mexico, using the San Ysidro border crossing near San Diego as the first location to turn back immigrants applying for refugee status.

January 24, 2019
InterAction Quoted

Why Trump wants to cut aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

"The root causes of these crises are in Central America. If we're addressing them at the southern border, it is too late." -InterAction CEO, Sam Worthington

April 1, 2019
school children stand at a railing smiling
Blog Post

Behind the Rhetoric, Children are Suffering

The photo of Oscar Ramirez and his daughter Valeria, lying face down dead on the bank of the Rio Grande…

July 24, 2019
Blog Post

The Biden Administration’s Proposed Asylum Rule Risks Violating Human Rights

The Biden administration made a promise to reform the U.S. asylum system, a system strained under political and budgetary…

March 27, 2023