We rely on diverse funding support and actively seek opportunities to partner with like-minded organizations. The investment of our members, public and private foundations, and stakeholders such as the U.S. government, UN agencies, and partner institutions allows us to advance innovative solutions and targeted advocacy efforts to address the needs of the world’s most vulnerable populations, safeguard a sustainable planet, and ensure dignity for all people.
2017 Financial Statement Highlights
In 2017, member dues made up approximately one-third of InterAction’s budget. InterAction leverages the impact of member dues with support from institutional grants and individual donors, accelerating our collective ability to shape a sustainable world where all people live in freedom, prosperity, dignity, and peace.
Institutional Funders
Foundations and public agencies invest in InterAction’s diverse programs, collectively and continuously strengthening and sustaining the work, impacts, and outcomes of our members. Across the sector — from humanitarian assistance to food and water security to data mapping and transparency to public/private partnerships to aid effectiveness to government and country-based advocacy — InterAction is proud of our dual role as a platform for change and a pathway to progress. We thank the following for their belief in and dedication to our mission, and to a sustainable world where all people live in freedom, prosperity, dignity, and peace.
Over $1M
Gates Foundation
USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Under $1M
International Civil Society Centre
International Fund for Agricultural Development
New Venture Fund
Open Society Foundations
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Rockefeller Foundation
U.S. State Department of Population, Refugees and Migration
Wallace Genetic Foundation
Wallace Global Fund
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
Individual Donors
InterAction is fortunate to benefit from a dedicated and growing community of private donors who invest in our mission and our work. Marquee foundations and agencies understand the change that we help create — Gates, Rockefeller, and USAID among others — and support us with grants tied to specific projects and timelines. Unrestricted donations enable us to direct financial resources where and when needed, helping to expand the overall impact of the sector. This means that we can increase the effectiveness with which members organizations respond to humanitarian crises, catalyze funding around newly identified development opportunities, and strengthen the backbone of our infrastructure upon which all programs rely. These are true gifts, and we are very grateful to the following individuals for their donations:
Lindsay Coates
Julia Drake
Peter Engebretson
Samuel Morrill Charitable Fund
Susan Ross & Dr. Charles MacCormack
Swanee Hunt Family Foundation
Jeffery Whisenant
Samuel Worthington