Climate Change
InterAction Annual Report 2020
We know now that climate change threatens developmental progress and exacerbates existing humanitarian crises. As the intensity, unpredictability, and frequency of climate change events increase, the world’s most vulnerable people are—and will continue to be—the hardest hit. In response to this crisis, on April 22, 2020, the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, InterAction and over 80 Member NGO CEOs launched the NGO Climate Compact.
As global nonprofit leaders, the Climate Compact signatories recognized the importance of pursuing large-scale and long-term change in the NGO sector. The Climate Compact represents a pledge by each organization to take concerted, unified, and urgent action to address climate change—namely, by mainstreaming climate and environmental consideration into all stages of program implementation and improving understanding among constituents, donors, vendors, and staff of the challenges climate change brings to development and humanitarian issues.