70+ Organizations and Members of Congress Oppose Proposed Cut in Aid to Central America

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Photo By: Katie Yaeger is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

70+ Organizations and Members of Congress Oppose Proposed Cut in Aid to Central America

By cutting off poverty-alleviating and violence-reducing assistance to the people and civil society organizations of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, the Trump Administration is taking a step that undermines its own policy goals and runs counter to American values and interests.

Our alliance has acted collectively in multiple ways and at various times over the past few months in response to a proposed cut-off of assistance to the people of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

On June 24, 2019, InterAction and over 70 other NGOs released a statement in response to the redirection of funds from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras as officially restated by the Department of State on June 17, 2019.

Distressing levels of gang and gender-based violence along with worsening poverty and hunger are displacing thousands of people in the Northern Triangle. Eliminating poverty-focused U.S. government funded assistance to the area and abandoning poor and vulnerable communities is counterproductive, short-sighted, and results in increased irregular migration. Empowering the most vulnerable reflects the best values of the American character and is essential to global human security.

We urge Congress to pass legislation now to prevent these cuts and protect future funding for the region. This ensures that the U.S. continues to play a leadership role in supporting communities and addressing the root causes of irregular migration in the region. Signatories can be found HERE. 

On April 30, 2019, members of InterAction and partners of the U.S government sent a letter to Secretary Pompeo urging the administration to reconsider the elimination of poverty-focused assistance programs in the Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

U.S. investments in the Northern Triangle have a proven impact supporting families and communities across the region. U.S. led programs, in partnership with many of the undersigned agencies, increase access to education, combat malnutrition, support credible democratic processes, improve the quality of life and economic opportunities for citizens, strengthen the rule of law and anti-corruption bodies, and reduce crime and violence. Without U.S. resources, many of these critical programs will not survive. U.S.-sponsored programming is crucial to catalyze investments and effective engagement from other country donors, local civil society, and the private sector. Read the letter HERE.

On April 1, 2019, more than 70 organizations issued the following statement in response to announcements by the Trump Administration that it is ending foreign assistance programs in the Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

By cutting off poverty-alleviating and violence-reducing assistance to the people and civil society organizations of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, the Trump Administration is taking a step that undermines its own policy goals and runs counter to American values and interests. For years, leaders from both parties have supported U.S. development and humanitarian aid to Central America. That is because these relatively small investments address the grinding poverty, instability and human rights concerns at the root of displacement. The current levels of violence and suffering in the Northern Triangle of Central America risk severe further deterioration if development and humanitarian assistance is withdrawn.

Sadly, the unpredictability and volatility that stem from such chaotic policy decisions can erode the effectiveness of foreign assistance. The Administration frequently views U.S. foreign assistance only in transactional terms and not as part of a long-term strategy.

In response to this short-sighted and irresponsible decision, we urge Congress to demonstrate strong bipartisan support for aid to Central America. Signatories can be found HERE.

Reactions from partner organizations:

Reactions to cut-off in aid from members of Congress:

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