Photo by Barun Rajgaria is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

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Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict

Humanitarian Coordination & Practice

Results-Based Protection Resource Playlist

This playlist is a collection of nine useful resources for practitioners interested in learning about and applying results-based approaches to protection.
Jenny McAvoy
Mar 28, 2019
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment

Zero Tolerance for Doing Nothing

With this three-year project, InterAction will work with its members towards the goal of preventing sexual harassment and abuse of and by NGO staff.
Helen Pleger
Soshana Hashmie
Mar 13, 2019
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict

UN rights expert calls for civilian protection as fighting escalates between military and armed groups

Calling on the Myanmar Government to “immediately reverse its decision not to allow access to all humanitarian organizations”, the United Nations expert on human rights in the South-East Asian country said on Friday, that “it’s vital that assistance is able to reach those who have fled violence in the region”.
Jan 18, 2019
Humanitarian Coordination & Practice

What is Results-Based Protection?

Results-based protection is a problem-solving approach used to address complexity and the ever-changing environment that surrounds protection issues in humanitarian action.