Photo by Barun Rajgaria is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Insights. Reports. Featured Stories.

3 Key Development Finance Trends to Watch

With the adoption of the sustainable development goals, a narrative emerged around the need to move from billions to trillions of dollars of financing and that private capital would be key to getting there.
Adva Saldinger
Jan 23, 2019
Crises & Countries in Conflict

About 19 million Lack Access to Clean Water in Yemen

Potable water has become increasingly hard to come by in Yemen since the war started in 2015, highlighted by the nation's cholera outbreak. International aid agencies have asked for more help, as well as a long-term political solution, but millions of Yemenis are struggling as the conflict continues.
Dorsa Jabbari
Jan 23, 2019
Crises & Countries in Conflict

Development Continues in Former Myanmar Conflict Zones, Refugees Still Wait

In Myanmar, international development continues in former conflict areas while more than 100,000 refugees and IDPs remain without a home. Steve Sandford looks at the challenges in one community in Karen state, where Chinese companies are building a resort town.
Steve Sandford
Jan 22, 2019
In the News

Migrants and Refugees Do Not Bring “Exotic” Communicable Diseases to Countries

The World Health Organization has taken aim at the myth that migrants and refugees bring diseases to the countries they arrive in, with its first report on migrant and refugee health in the European region. In the report, the WHO dispels the falsehood that irregular migrants and refugees spread sickness among host communities.
Jan 22, 2019
In the News

Killings of Guatemala’s Indigenous Activists Raise Specter of Human Rights Crises

For three days last week, thousands of Guatemalans blocked roads and major highways to protest the Central American country's slide toward a constitutional crisis. The protest organizers included groups that have long demanded justice: indigenous communities and campesinos, as rural and farm workers are called.
Jan 22, 2019
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