A New InterAction.Org
It is my pleasure to present InterAction’s new website (which was made possible thanks to generous funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and branding. As an organization that represents a diverse but united constituency, having strong messaging and a unique visual identity is at the heart of InterAction’s ability to accomplish its objectives. Built around our core strengths, the new site will serve as a communications tool and means to share our community’s story, and as a resource for our members, allies, and partners in advancing the role of NGOs and the principles that undergird effective development and humanitarian assistance.
Why a new website?
We are an organization that is defined by our ability to pull a community together for a greater voice. Our new website is one critical method through which we can accomplish this mission. Our communications team has spent the past several months collaborating with internal and external stakeholders to redesign the website and identify the essence of InterAction’s brand and how we want to be perceived. Feedback focused on InterAction’s strengths in convening a community, driving thought leadership, amplifying our collective voice, and motivating collective impact. Drawing on our future goals and past record, we want to ensure that our public face is welcoming, sophisticated, reliable, accessible, and of course – inspiring. Our website, from its new look to dramatic pictures sourced from photographers around the world, was built around these strengths.
What’s changed?
The website offers a new, fresh vision of who we are with bold colors, mobile-friendly capability, curated content, and a greater focus on visual media. All these features make the new website more accessible, more interactive, and more representative of who we are. Our website is a tool for you to use and contribute to, and we look forward to working with all of you as we build a dynamic presence online.
Want to get involved?
If you or your organization is interested in publishing content on the InterAction website, please contact the InterAction communications team at communications@interaction.org.