Announcing InterAction’s New Results-Based Protection Website
It’s here! InterAction is excited to announce the launch of its revamped Results-Based Protection (RBP) website. Click HERE to check it out.
Why revamp the RBP website?
Since we first designed our RBP website in 2012, we’ve been working diligently to provide Members and partners with resources that promote results-based approaches to protection. So far, we’ve gathered nearly 200 resources, including tools, reports, evaluations, webinars, podcasts, and more.
The old website served us well for many years and helped spread the word about the importance of using results-based approaches to achieve protection outcomes. However, it wasn’t designed in a user-friendly or engaging way. The circa 2010 design aesthetics didn’t help either. Some features were clunky due to outdated website functionalities and there was limited opportunity to showcase new RBP resources, like our collection of case examples demonstrating RBP in practice and the recently launched Evaluation Framework for the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence (GBV PEF). Also, the website wasn’t designed for multi-lingual users or non-English speakers, limiting who could access and explore the many resources available. All these shortcomings pointed to the need for a revamped website.
Our work on Results-Based Protection has grown exponentially since 2012 thanks to interest and increased use by NGOs, donors, academics, and others. As a result, InterAction’s RBP team, with funding from the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), embarked on a quest to develop a new, engaging, user-friendly website.
So, what’s new? How is it different from the old RBP website?
Starting with the Homepage, we’ve restructured the organization of our site so that frequently requested materials and questions about RBP can be found at a click. If you’re new to RBP, you can begin by clicking the links on the right to see curated materials for you based on whether you’re a protection actor, non-protection actor, humanitarian leadership, or a donor. There’s something for everyone. You can also watch a short video explaining RBP and learn about the kind of resources the RBP website offers.
In response to the many requests we received to make our materials available in languages other than English, the new website is available in 4 languages: English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
The new website also hosts a user-friendly resource library full of tools, reports, evaluations, tip sheets, webinars, and other resources that promote results-based approaches to protection. These resources were developed by InterAction, as well as our Members and partners. The updated search engine and filters will allow you to easily access specific resources or just browse based on your interests.
Additionally, with the recent launch of the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Evaluation Framework, a landing page for the GBV PEF will allow you to find useful information quickly so you can dive deeper into the four modules of the GBV PEF. Another important feature of the new website is that it provides a portal to our online Community of Practice (CoP) for those using the GBV PEF or planning to use it in the coming 12 months. In the CoP, you can connect with other practitioners using the GBV PEF across diverse contexts, share knowledge, ask questions, and learn from each other’s experiences.
Finally, you may have seen our May 2021 publication, Mindshift: A Collection of Examples that Promote Protection Outcomes, a collection of real-life case examples of RBP in action. Due to overwhelming interest and requests for such case examples, we added a dedicated space on the new website to showcase these case examples as well as others our team is continuously producing. They all demonstrate how NGOs around the world have embraced and are using the Key Elements of RBP to achieve protection outcomes of reduced risk. Similar to the resource library, the case example landing page features a search engine with helpful filters so you can easily find the example(s) you’re looking for.
With all the new and improved features of the RBP website, we hope you will love interacting with it as much as we do.
Already visited the website while reading this blog? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Favorite page? Favorite feature? Something else you’d like to see? Let us know—we’re listening!
All feedback can be shared with Ife Akinmade, Program Associate for Protection at InterAction at iakinmade@interaction.org.