Climate Change and Environment Resource Page
Beta Version
InterAction is organizing resources for Members to use as they expand their work to address climate change in their programs and advocacy, and to improve their own environmental sustainability. While this list is not exhaustive, it is a set of resources that serves as a starting point for our Members.
Resources are organized according to several different categories:
- Examples of organizational-level strategies from other NGOs on climate, environment, and sustainability;
- Tools to help NGOs create value propositions for prioritizing climate and environment;
- Toolkits and best practices for climate mainstreaming in development and humanitarian programs;
- Case studies of climate mainstreaming and environmental safeguarding in programs;
- Resources to support effective communication of climate issues;
- Standards;
- Ongoing working groups for further networked learning; and
- Policy and research briefs.
Many of the resources below were developed with a specific purpose or audience in mind. However, InterAction presents them here as references for lessons learned and best practices that NGOs can utilize, even if NGOs were not the primary intended audience.
Access the beta resource library here.
If your organization has resources that you feel would be well-placed in this library, please email Lindsey Doyle at ldoyle@interaction.org.
Recorded Webinars
Organizational Environmental Sustainability Amidst Climate Change and COVID-19
Event Date: June 25, 2020
This virtual event detailed strategies for effective organizational change and the successful implementation of sustainability initiatives within global development and humanitarian non-governmental organizations. The event featured Shengyin Xu, Global Sustainability Manager at World Resources Institute; David Guier, Senior Director of Grants and Contracts and Green Team leader at Global Communities; and Karl Erdmann, Senior Director of Grants and Business Development at Americares.
U.S. Public Opinion and Disinformation on Climate Change
Event Date: June 30, 2020
This virtual event covered the current state of climate science and U.S. public opinion on climate change, and provided ideas on how these two can be better aligned through messaging. Speakers also discussed strategies for building resilience against deliberate disinformation around climate change. This presentation featured Dr. Mathew Goldberg from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and Dr. John Cook from the George Mason Center for Climate Communication.
Measuring Your Organization’s Carbon Footprint at HQ, Country, and Field Offices
Event Date: August 24, 2020
This virtual event explains the process of taking greenhouse gas inventory and how organizations can navigate measuring their carbon footprint across HQ, country, and field offices to spur organizational change in environmental sustainability. The event featured Shengyin Xu, Global Sustainability Manager at World Resources Institute, and Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer for Disaster Risk Reduction at Episcopal Relief & Development.
Climate Mainstreaming Throughout the Program Lifecycle, Part II
Event Date: October 20, 2020
This virtual event is the second in a two-part learning series on climate mainstreaming throughout the program cycle. Part two examines case studies from organizations currently doing research or implementing climate-focused programs, and how they balance priorities and work to effectively integrate climate risk and resilience. The event featured Christian Man, Adjunct Fellow with the CSIS Global Food Security Program; Tara Herrick, Senior Market Analytics Officer for PATH; and Sayeed Mahmud Riadh, Head of Program for Concern Worldwide, Bangladesh.
A Fork in the Road: NGO Climate Leadership after November 2020
Event Date: October 28, 2020
On October 28, 2020, InterAction hosted its second biannual CEO Roundtable on Climate Leadership in support of the NGO Climate Compact. Entitled “A Fork in the Road: NGO Climate Leadership after November 2020,” this roundtable featured youth climate leaders, Aneesa Khan, Executive Director of SustainUS and Elan Strait, Co-Founder of We’re Still In, Former Director for Climate and Clean Energy, National Security Council, White House.
This video includes opening remarks by Sam Worthington, CEO of InterAction, a coalition update by Noam Unger, Vice President of Development Policy, Advocacy and Learning and Lindsey Doyle, Senior Manager at InterAction, a fireside chat moderated by Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President, World Resources Institute, and a discussion among Member CEOs.