Deterioration of the Humanitarian Situation in the Central African Republic
Thirty-five international NGOs (INGOs) working throughout the Central African Republic (CAR) put out a press release last week to express their deep concerns about the humanitarian crisis.
CAR, a landlocked country in Central Africa, remains one of the least developed countries in the world. People in the Central African Republic have a life expectancy of only 53 years old, one of the lowest in the world. For every 1,000 infants born, 110 will die before they reach the age of five. And, if 100,000 women are pregnant in CAR, it is estimated that for 860, their pregnancy will prove fatal. They will often leave behind their children, orphaned.
CAR has been among the 10 most underreported humanitarian crises for five years in a row.
Statistics about education, rising sexual violence, and violence are equally stark, and yet—as the press release points out—the humanitarian response plan in CAR is only half funded. International NGOs are calling for the mobilization of Central African authorities and donors to ensure the funding and facilitation of the humanitarian response.
Read the entire statement HERE.