Photo By: Margaret Aguirre is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
InterAction Members Respond to the Crisis on the Turkish-Syrian Border
On October 9, only three days after the White House released a statement declaring that the United States forces in northern Syria would be withdrawn, Turkey launched a military offensive into northeastern Syria.
InterAction CEO, Sam Worthington, issued a statement regarding the recent military incursion on the Turkish-Syrian border, saying,
“InterAction strongly urges all State and non- State parties to conflict to exercise restraint in northeast Syria, to take every precaution to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure. Our community is highly concerned about the disruption of aid operations and the increased risk to aid workers and facilities, most especially Syrian national staff.”
Read the statement HERE.
InterAction Members Respond
- 15 aid agencies, including 8 InterAction members, signed a Syria International NGO Regional Forum (SIRF) statement on a potential humanitarian crisis in North-East Syria.
- Read the SIRF’s second statement on the impact of military developments on the civilian population in northeast Syria
- International Rescue Committee reacts to start of Turkish military operations in northeast Syria – concerned for welfare of millions of civilians
- CARE warns of mass displacement as an offensive is launched in northern Syria
- Heartland Alliance: Decision to Withdraw from Syria is Rash and Immoral