New InterAction Website Provides Gateway to International Development and Humanitarian Assistance Community
WASHINGTON – InterAction, an alliance of 180-plus international nonprofits, announces its re-imagined web presence, which showcases expert analysis and research for reporters and professionals in the development, diplomacy, and humanitarian communities. Informed by decades of field experience from member organizations, the website serves as an educational tool and connection point to drive global change.
The new website includes:
- U.S. international affairs budget recommendations: Read the Choose to Invest guide, which provides a framework for debate and discussions of U.S. Foreign Assistance budget levels. The guide features detailed congressional account-by-account funding recommendations across almost 40 key international development and humanitarian response programs.
- Find an Expert feature: Connect with subject matter experts on issues such as the prevention of sexual harassment and abuse or innovative finance.
- Connections to a vibrant community: Explore the membership directory of all InterAction member organizations.
“This website puts the latest information from leading international nonprofits in one place for Capitol Hill staffers, researchers, policy analysts, students, and reporters,” said Sam Worthington, InterAction CEO. “Our community is leading conversations on international development and humanitarian issues, and this new website is the place to engage in that dialogue.”
Visit interaction.org and follow InterAction on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
Please contact Caleb Zimmerman, InterAction Communications Manager, with any inquiries: czimmerman@interaction.org
InterAction is an alliance of international nongovernmental organizations, with 180-plus members. Our members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life. Visit www.interaction.org.