Statement By Leading Humanitarian And Development Organizations Against Any Rescissions Within Foreign Assistance Budget
As implementers and advocates for humanitarian and development assistance, we urge the Administration to reconsider recent steps to freeze funds for U.S. foreign assistance programs and ask Congress to reject any potential rescission of funds. Together, we release the following joint statement:
“As organizations committed to addressing poverty and alleviating human suffering around the world, we stand together against any freezing of funding for foreign assistance. These funds are critical to helping improve humanitarian and development outcomes for the world’s most marginalized people.
“The Administration’s repeated attempts to rescind U.S. foreign assistance programs leads to instability in U.S. assistance efforts and puts lives at risk at a time of global crisis. This must stop.
“Attempting to cancel life-saving and life-improving funds that have already been appropriated by Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support is dangerous and unparalleled. The cancellation of funds would imperil strategic investments and put countless programs at risk for sudden closure, further endangering some of the world’s most vulnerable people and reversing progress. These proposed cancelations threaten America’s leadership and standing in the world.
“The current freezing of funds is the first step to roll back funding for vital programs that provide direct support for health, education, protection, food security, democracy, human rights, and disaster relief while also building the capacity of countries to meet their own needs.
“Together, we operate in nearly every country across the globe and have seen first hand the life-saving impact of these dollars. We are concerned that rescinding these funds that have already been appropriated by Congress will stop critical programs from moving forward and will undermine the ability of NGOs to plan with a focus on impact and sustainability.
“Foreign assistance is not—and never has been—a partisan issue. Both Republicans and Democrats have continuously supported investments in humanitarian and development programs. We strongly urge Congress to reject any potential cuts, ensure that funds reach the communities and families as intended and if necessary, require the expeditious obligation of any funds in a continuing resolution for FY 2020.”
Action Against Hunger
ADRA (Adventist Development & Relief Agency)
Aga Khan Foundation USA
Alliance for Peacebuilding
Alliance to End Hunger
American Jewish World Service
Amref Health Africa
Asylum Access
Basic Education Coalition
Bethany Christian Services
Better World Campaign
Bread for the World
Brother’s Brother Foundation
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
Cadasta Foundation
CDA Collaborative Learning
Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
ChildFund International
Church World Service
Concern Worldwide US
Congressional Hunger Center
CORE Group
Dining for Women
Episcopal Relief & Development
Feed the Children
Food for the Hungry
Giving Children Hope
Global Communities
Global Health Council
Global Water 2020
Habitat for Humanity International
Heartland Alliance International
Heifer International
Helen Keller International
Helping Hand for Relief and Development
iMMAP Inc.
INMED Partnerships for Children
International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
International Development, Community, and Environment (IDCE), Clark University
International Eye Foundation
International Rescue Committee
International Youth Foundation
IntraHealth International
Islamic Relief USA
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
Keystone Human Services
Lutheran World Relief
Medical Teams International
Mercy Corps
Mercy Without Limits
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
Mines Advisory Group (MAG) America
National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International
Norwegian Refugee Council USA
ONE Campaign
OxFam America
Physicians for Peace
Plan International USA
Population Communication
Project C.U.R.E.
Project Concern International (PCI)
Project HOPE
Refugees International
Relief International
ReSurge International
RTI International
Save the Children
Solar Cookers International
Solidarity Center
Syrian American Medical Society
Syria Relief and Development
The Hunger Project
The Nature Conservancy
Trickle Up
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
Village Enterprise
Water for South Sudan
Women’s Refugee Commission
World Hope International
World Renew
World Vision
Zakat Foundation of America