White House FY19 Budget Proposes Cuts to Critical Foreign Assistance Programs
InterAction calls for no less than $59.1 billion to maintain U.S. leadership on foreign assistance
WASHINGTON — On Monday, February 12 the White House released its initial budget recommendations for fiscal year 2019, which proposed a topline of $41.7 billion or a 30% cut to the International Affairs Budget from Fiscal Year 2017 enacted levels of $49.6 billion. In reaction to the proposed cuts, InterAction CEO Sam Worthington said:
“The White House’s budget will do damage to poverty-focused development and humanitarian assistance programs already proven to help save lives. The American people and Congress have consistently supported development and humanitarian spending.”
“United States government investments in the international affairs budget have had an instrumental impact creating healthier, safer and more stable societies around the world. The international nonprofit community works closely with the U.S. government and local partners to successfully address development and humanitarian needs and funding for the international affair budget must be protected,” Worthington added.
InterAction and over 120 international nonprofit partners released recommendations last week that the International Affairs Budget cannot be funded at less than $59.1 billion. This minimum requirement is needed to maintain American leadership on foreign assistance and effectively implement life-saving programs. View the full InterAction Community Endorsement letter: bit.ly/2EsX8be
Editor’s Note: Additional InterAction experts, upon request, are available to members of the media for comment and analysis on press questions related to development and humanitarian priorities in the FY 2019 international affairs budget. For more information please contact Caleb Zimmerman, czimmerman@interaction.org.
InterAction is a U.S. alliance of nongovernmental international organizations, with more than 190 members. Our members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life. Visit www.interaction.org.
Additional Resources:
Joint Task Force Statement on Cuts to Foreign Assistance
InterAction Community Letter Supporting FY2019 International Affairs Budget