Photo by Barun Rajgaria is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Insights. Reports. Featured Stories.

Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

Global Development

Unveiling of the NGO Climate Compact 2.0

Today, three years after the launch of the original NGO Climate Compact, InterAction unveils its second iteration committing to a renewed focus…
Caroline Allen
Claudia Sanchez de Lozada
Apr 25, 2023
Global Development

COP27: From Climate Adaptation to Climate Mitigation

Only 24% of Africa’s total climate finance needs have been earmarked for adaptation measures, despite the continent being highly vulnerable to future climate change…
Meshark Sikuku
Nov 18, 2022
U.S. Foreign Assistance

CEO Conversation: Progress on PREPARE

The most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports on mitigation and adaptation have shown that the impacts of human-induced climate change…
Claudia Sanchez de Lozada
May 23, 2022