Our Board

About Our Board

InterAction is managed by a committed and active board of directors comprised of a combination of Member CEOs and individuals with unique professional expertise and experience. We seek variety in organizational size, broad geographic representation, a mix of faith-based and secular organizations, and a range of relevant skills.

Board Chair
President and CEO, Save the Children US
President & CEO, Americares
President and CEO, Project HOPE
Ex Officio
President & CEO, InterAction
Executive Director, Solar Cookers International
CEO, World Learning
President & CEO, Global Communities
CEO & President, Together for Girls
CEO, Mercy Without Limits
CEO, FHI 360
President, Alliance to End Hunger
President & CEO, Bread for the World
President & CEO, ChildFund International
President & CEO, Helping Hand for Relief and Development
CEO, WaterAid America
Executive Director & CEO, World Institute on Disability
Founding Partner (Retired), GRF CPAs
President & CEO, UNICEF USA
Executive Director, Islamic Medical Association of North America
President & CEO, Church World Service
Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Spark Microgrants
President & CEO, Anera
President & CEO, Airlink