Photo By: Kazi Salahuddin is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
Choose to Invest F.Y. 2023
Operating funds are necessary to support State Department and USAID programming.
The Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are the primary arms of the United States government to provide humanitarian assistance and advance development around the world, including advocating for policies that address climate change. By implementing policy and responding to global crises, USAID and the State Department demonstrate American generosity while advancing U.S. economic prosperity and national security.
State Department and USAID programming supports millions of people in over 150 countries. Operating funds support the U.S. diplomatic and development corps and associated support staff, provide training, and invest in their health and security to facilitate effective diplomacy and development and humanitarian programming.
A robust diplomatic corps is essential to advancing U.S. foreign policy and economic interests overseas. President Biden committed to ensuring that diplomacy, development, and statecraft remain America’s tool of first resort. Making clear that these tools will continue to be the leading instruments of American foreign policy will help revitalize our network of alliances that have made the world safer and more prosperous.
Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on diplomacy. International cooperation is crucial to responding to and mitigating the primary and secondary impacts of COVID-19. Only by supporting our diplomatic corps—largely made up of personnel from the State Department and USAID—can the United States ensure effective action this year in what is likely to be the most intensive phase of the pandemic response.
According to the Pew Research Center roughly 7 in 10 Americans say that “good diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace.” To ensure our continued prosperity here at home, the U.S. must support foreign policy by adequately funding U.S. embassies, diplomatic and development personnel, I.T. systems, and other operating costs.
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