Photo by Sujit Saha is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
Choose to Invest F.Y. 2024
Operating Accounts
Operating funds are necessary to support State Department and USAID programming.
The Department of State (DoS) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are the primary arms of the United States government to provide humanitarian assistance and advance diplomacy and development around the world. By implementing policy and responding to global crises, USAID and the DoS demonstrate American commitment to global development while advancing U.S. economic prosperity and national security.
DoS and USAID programming supports millions of people in over 195 countries. Operating funds support the U.S. diplomatic and development corps and associated support staff, provide training, and invest in their health and security to facilitate effective diplomacy, development, and humanitarian programming.
A robust diplomatic corps is essential to advancing U.S. foreign policy and economic interests overseas. President Biden committed to ensuring that diplomacy, development, and statecraft should be the leading instrument of American foreign policy and our tool of first resort.
In addition to strong diplomacy, funds are critical to ensuring effective stewardship and accountability of U.S. taxpayer dollars by supporting data collection and analysis, monitoring, oversight, and evaluation of foreign assistance projects and programs.
DoS and USAID are America’s best means to demonstrate our values while simultaneously ensuring our national security interests.
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