September 30, 2020 | 12:00PM

How Do You Collect Data and Why?: A Follow-up Dialogue on USAID’s Digital Strategy

USAID’s new Digital Strategy makes clear the Agency’s interest in elevating the use of digital data collection methods, with an aim to maximize the potential of development and humanitarian data for better decision-making, program adaptation, and strategic planning.

But to move in this direction, we must first take stock of where the sector stands today. Join InterAction and SID-W for a feedback dialogue with USAID and implementing partners, exploring:

  1. How prevalent is digital data collection vs. paper?
  2. How do organizations and project teams decide when to use paper or digital tools for data collection?
  3. Which procedures and systems does your organization have in place to support efficient, ethical, and effective data collection?


  • Taylor Braun-Dorrell, Digital Technology Program Specialist, USAID
  • Michael Asiyo, Regional T4D Advisor for East and Southern Africa, Save the Children
  • Krista Baptista, Senior Director, Center for Digital Acceleration, DAI
  • Kristy Crabtree, Senior Advisor for Information Management & Technology, IRC

Join InterAction, SID-W’s ICT for Development Workgroup, USAID, and fellow development and humanitarian implementing partners for a discussion on data collection methods and an opportunity to share your experience with this critical topic with USAID’s Digital Strategy team.