FHI 360 Safeguarding Tools

These documents were developed by FHI 360 to adapt globally approved PSEA guidelines, tools, and promising strategies applied in humanitarian/emergency settings to prevent and respond to SEA when implementing programming in traditional development and humanitarian-development nexus contexts. The available resources are as follows:
  1. FHI 360 Framework and Minimum Standards for Safeguarding Program Participants.
  2. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Five Required Tools
  3. FHI 360 Toolkit - How to implement FHI 360s minimum standards for safeguarding program participants.
  4. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Project Checklist
  5. FHI 360 Safeguarding - How to Note, standalone
  6. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Awareness Raising Activities
  7. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Training - Workshop - Info Session