
International Medical Corps and Concern Worldwide Safeguarding Focal Point Training

This document from IMC and Concern is a safeguarding focal point training package. The package includes a facilitation guide, a participant resource handbook, and powerpoints for four modules: awareness, prevention, reporting, and responding. This document will be useful for organizations looking to deliver a training to safeguarding focal points. This zip file contains the following documents as part of IMC and Concern's Safeguarding Focal Point Training: 1) Facilitation Guide 2) Participant Resource Handbook 3) Four sets of PowerPoint slide presentations (one for each module) This document is also available in Spanish here:

September 10, 2020
Blog Post

Recapping Forum 2024

On June 26 and 27, over 240 leaders and innovators in the global development and humanitarian community gathered for InterAction’s flagship annual event, Forum, at Convene in downtown Washington, D.C. Headlined by speakers from Congress and the Administration, and complemented by panel discussions and interactive sessions from over 30 organizations, the event sparked broad discussion and debate on a variety of issues—from localization and sanctions, to artificial intelligence and current global crises.

July 11, 2024
Blog Post

New Guidance for Armed Actors to Prevent and Mitigate Conflict-Induced Hunger

The Practical Measures give guidance on policy, operational practice, and relations with partners and allies before, during, and after operations to avoid contributing to food insecurity.

July 8, 2024
Blog Post

High Level Goma Visit Sheds Light on Unfolding Tragedy in DRC

As conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) rages, gender-based violence, including sexual violence and killings, have become daily realities for civilians.

April 22, 2024
Blog Post

Haiti Gang Violence Deepens Risk of Food Insecurity

Haiti has seen repetitive crises and instability for decades, characterized by chronic socio-political instability, rampant violence—including sexual and gender-based violence,…

March 26, 2024

60+ NGOs Urge Congress to Support Supplemental Humanitarian Assistance

While not endorsing the bill in its entirety, we appreciate the bipartisan recognition that supplemental humanitarian assistance is necessary and prudent, and we urge all members of Congress to support this funding to address humanitarian needs.

February 6, 2024

75 NGOs Urge Congress to Fund Humanitarian & Food Assistance Programs in Next Supplemental

InterAction—the largest alliance of U.S.-based NGOs dedicated to implementing and advocating for U.S. humanitarian, health, development, and democracy programs—and its…

November 1, 2023
Blog Post

Recapping Forum 2023

On Thursday, October 19, InterAction welcomed over 300 humanitarian and development professionals to Forum 2023 at Convene in downtown Washington,…

October 24, 2023

InterAction Community Responds to UNSC Resolution 2642 and its Impact on Humanitarian Assistance to Syria

Last week, on July 12, 2022, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted resolution 2642, which authorizes the U.N.

July 20, 2022
A view of UN Security Council members voting in favor of the resolution to extend resolution 2642 (2022) for six months. The photo is of the voting chamber. All council members are arranged in an open circle.

110+ NGOs Call on Congress to Appropriate Emergency Resources for Food Insecurity, Humanitarian Action & Global COVID-19 Response

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McCarthy, Minority Leader McConnell, Chairwoman DeLauro, Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, and…

May 6, 2022
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