Blog Post

Q&A: American perceptions of U.S. Foreign Policy

The 2018 Chicago Council Survey tell us that Americans want to engage the world, rather than back away from it.

October 22, 2018
Blog Post

Reflecting on 16 Years of Policy Advocacy

How can non-governmental organization (NGO) ideals and collective thinking become a positive and influential force in advancing policies that help…

November 4, 2022
Blog Post

Mindful Spending: Incorporating Psychological Health Into Foreign Aid

It is a well-known fact that war has disparate psychological effects on all those involved—from refugees to soldiers to the…

October 14, 2022
Members of CRS-supported SILC groups (Savings and Internal Lending Communities) dance together during a meeting in Awaradoni village, Upper East Region, Ghana. These women have begun making and selling shea nut butter, straw baskets, and parboiled rice ever since interrupted weather patterns related to climate change have inhibited their abilities to earn livelihoods through farming. Awaradoni village, Talensi District, Upper East Region, Ghana, West Africa. March 19, 2016 - Photo by Jake Lyell for CRS.

Letter to Congressional Leadership Regarding the Prioritization of Funding for State, Foreign Operations Bill in FY2023

Dear Chairwoman DeLauro, Chairman Leahy, Vice Chairman Shelby, and Ranking Member Granger: We, the undersigned international, implementing, and advocacy organizations,…

April 13, 2022

Statement on the State Foreign Operations Bill

InterAction appreciates that Congress and the Administration were able to come together and fund the government through the remainder of…

March 11, 2022
Blog Post

Making Amends for Civilian Harm: The Case for Reforming U.S. Ex Gratia Policy

When U.S. military actions abroad harm civilian populations, making amends should focus primarily on fulfilling the needs and wants of…

May 14, 2021

Statement on President Trump’s Proposal to Slash Foreign Aid

For the fourth year in a row, President Trump proposed slashing foreign aid in his budget. The President’s budget proposes…

February 10, 2020
Blog Post

InterAction Welcomes New Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs

We are pleased to announce that Jennifer Marron has been selected to join InterAction as the new Director of Public…

September 12, 2019

CEO of InterAction: Freeze on Foreign Aid, and Potential for Rescission, Puts America and the People of the World at Risk

Washington, DC— Sam Worthington, CEO of InterAction, issued the following statement in response to the administration’s announcement to put a…

August 7, 2019

Community Reactions to Cut-off in Foreign Assistance to Northern Triangle Countries

Cutting off poverty-alleviating and violence-reducing assistance in Central America runs counter to American values and interests.

May 8, 2019
school children stand at a railing smiling