Blog Post

Four Essential Steps Toward Durable Solutions for IDPs

Three-quarters of the world’s estimated 41.3 million internally displaced people (IDPs) reside in only ten countries, so making progress in…

May 8, 2020

No Time to Lose as Famine Stalks Millions in Sudan Amid Intense Fighting and Access Denials

Time is running out for millions of people in Sudan who are at imminent risk of famine, displaced from their…

May 31, 2024

Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Escalating conflict is driving record levels of gender-based violence, displacement and hunger in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), threatening to push the country to the brink of catastrophe without urgent international action.

April 30, 2024
Blog Post

High Level Goma Visit Sheds Light on Unfolding Tragedy in DRC

As conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) rages, gender-based violence, including sexual violence and killings, have become daily realities for civilians.

April 22, 2024
Blog Post

Community-Led Protection in Sudan

Civilians in many parts of Sudan already faced extreme risks of violence before the current conflict between the Sudanese Armed…

April 19, 2024
Blog Post

GBV and Women-Led Responses in Sudan

Sudan is witnessing an unprecedented protection crisis marked by widespread internal displacement, ongoing conflict, and severe violations of international humanitarian…

April 18, 2024
Blog Post

Forced Displacement: A Growing Crisis in Sudan

One year since conflict erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Sudan has quickly…

April 15, 2024

IASC Provides Ten Requirements to Avoid an Even Worse Catastrophe in Gaza

"No amount of humanitarian response will make up for the months of deprivation that families in Gaza have endured. This is our effort to salvage the humanitarian operation so that we can provide, at the very least, the bare essentials: medicine, drinking water, food, and shelter as temperatures plummet."

February 21, 2024

InterAction Signs Inter-Agency Standing Committee Statement on Central Sahel

The crises gripping the Central Sahel are exacerbating humanitarian and protection needs and threatening to reverse development gains. In 2024,…

January 12, 2024
Blog Post

InterAction Members Highlight Rohingya Pledge at Global Refugee Forum

The first Global Refugee Forum (GRF) was held in 2019 where stakeholders announced pledges toward the Global Compact on Refugees.

December 12, 2023
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