Press Release

Media Alert: Horn of Africa | Experts Available for Interview | New Data | Photos for Use

InterAction curates content from our Member organizations for journalists—creating a one-stop shop for experts, data, and information around specific topics.

October 14, 2022
Blog Post

Joint Letter Urging U.N. Secretary General Guterres To Take Immediate Action For The Internally Displaced After Report Release

Nearly two years after its launch, the U.N. Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement released a much-anticipated report…

October 14, 2021

InterAction Community Applauds Biden Administration’s Immediate, Principled Leadership

The InterAction community applauds the Biden Administration’s early actions in support of key humanitarian and development issues. These included elevating…

February 4, 2021

Statement Calling on the U.S. Government to Immediately Revoke Foreign Terrorist Designation on Ansar Allah in Yemen

InterAction, the largest U.S.-based alliance of international NGOs and partners, released the following statement in response to the U.S. Government’s…

January 19, 2021
Working Group

Social Media

January 5, 2021
Blog Post

Attacks on Media Workers Grow and Few Punished

"Two media workers have been murdered each week on average this year—73 to date, making it likely the number of those killed will meet or exceed that of 2017, when 82 media workers were murdered."

November 2, 2018
Blog Post

Seven Years Later: Rohingya Genocide Remembrance Day

This month marks seven years since the 2017 “clearance operation” when Myanmar’s military forces, the Tatmadaw, unleashed waves of violence against Rohingya ethnic minorities in Rakhine State, Myanmar. The conflict triggered the expulsion of over 700,000 Rohingya into neighboring Bangladesh, marking the largest and fastest influx into the country. The U.S. government later determined that these attacks constituted genocide and crimes against humanity.

August 27, 2024
Blog Post

World Humanitarian Day 2024

Aid workers are increasingly being targeted by armed actors who seek to intimidate, coerce, or disrupt aid operations for strategic gains. In Gaza and South Sudan, in Yemen and the Central African Republic, disinformation campaigns are fueling hostility toward aid agencies. These threats not only endanger the lives of those dedicated to humanitarian action but also severely hinder access to essential aid for millions of vulnerable people in conflict-affected areas​.

August 19, 2024

Open Letter to the Member States of the U.N. General Assembly, on behalf of the IASC Principals

The brutal hostilities we are seeing in multiple conflicts around the world have exposed a terrible truth: We are living in an era of impunity. Attacks that kill or injure civilians, including humanitarian and health-care personnel, are devastatingly common. Yet despite widespread condemnation, serious violations of the rules of war too often go unpunished.

August 19, 2024
Blog Post

Restoring Hope: Community Centers in Afghanistan

Community centers in Afghanistan are offering a beacon of hope to thousands of Afghans who are trapped in harmful cycles…

August 16, 2024
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