InterAction Statement on the Passage of H.R. 7691 Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act
As Russia continues its attack on Ukraine, InterAction applauds the passage of the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act.
This vital legislation provides emergency humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine and responds to the escalating hunger crisis aggravated by the last 85 days of war.
We deeply appreciate that Congress was able to respond to our call for additional funding and act quickly and on a bipartisan basis to aid the nearly 12.8 million people who have been displaced within Ukraine or forced to flee.
Congress helpfully appropriated over $5 billion in humanitarian and food assistance as recommended by the InterAction community.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated food price hikes worldwide and threatens to push another 47 million people into extreme hunger this year. Children are suffering from severe malnutrition at shocking rates, and the cost of life-saving treatment is rising. Immediate action is needed.
InterAction and its Members respect and applaud the commitment by the Administration and Congress to act with urgency to address the food security crisis emanating from the war in Ukraine.
We look forward to working with the Administration and Congress to put these funds to work and assist the people who need it most.