InterAction Temporary Office Closure
To help keep our colleagues and communities safe, InterAction employees, consultants, and interns will work remotely from Monday, March 16 until Friday, March 27. During this time, InterAction’s office and conference center will be closed.
In solidarity with our NGO members, InterAction is joining in the public responsibility of shaping the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Building on a successful remote work test day on Thursday, March 12, InterAction will host all Working Groups and other meetings virtually during this time.
During this pandemic, InterAction has three goals: keep people safe and maintain a supportive and healthy work environment, advance our Members’ missions through InterAction’s support, and to slow the spread of COVID-19 to protect at-risk individuals and increase the resilience of our healthcare system. Thank you for helping us promote all three.
We are a resilient NGO community and together we will get through this pandemic. And, above all, thank you for what you do and stay safe.
The InterAction Team