InterAction Launches the NGO Climate Compact
Committing to Environmental Action and Sustainability on Earth Day 2020
On the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, 2020, InterAction and 80+ Member NGOs launched the NGO Climate Compact to pledge concerted, unified, and urgent action to address climate change.
NEW! Watch the recording from our virtual event below featuring Mary Robinson, The Chair of the Elders, Former President of Ireland, and Former U.N. Special Envoy on Climate Change and Joe Ruiz, Director, UPS Global Humanitarian Relief & Resilience & Environmental Sustainability.
The purpose of the Compact is to initiate large-scale change across our sector. It recognizes that the environment is central to achieving our mission to serve the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.
The Climate Compact will contribute to meeting higher-level global goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and U.N. Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The Compact’s four areas of commitment emphasize actions that Members can take between 2020 and 2022 to start the process of collective action, generate dialogue and learning, quickly advance initial actions, and kick-start initiatives that will lay the groundwork for more behavior and attitudinal shifts in the years to come.
This effort stems from the work of leaders within the InterAction Board of Directors and a group of 30+ Member organizations since September 2019. It builds upon the long-standing work of the broader climate movement and decades of experience by NGO leaders and partners in environmental policy and programming.
The NGO Climate Compact is still open for signature by Member CEOs.
To get your organization signed on, or to learn about implementation, please contact Claudia Sanchez de Lozada, CSanchezdelozada@interaction.org.
Official Pledge Signatories (As of 3/24/22)
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Alliance for Peacebuilding
American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa
Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs
Association of Volunteers in International Service, USA
Bank Information Center
Bread for the World
Brother’s Brother Foundation
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
Cadasta Foundation
Catholic Relief Services
CDA Collaborative
Center for Health and Gender Equity
Child Aid
ChildFund International
Church World Service
Concern Worldwide U.S.
Congressional Hunger Center
CORE Group
Embrace Relief Foundation
Episcopal Relief and Development
FHI 360
Food for the Hungry
Global Communities
Habitat for Humanity International
Headwaters Relief Organization
Healey International Relief Foundation
Heartland Alliance International
Heifer International
Helen Keller International
Himalayan Cataract Project
IMA World Health-Lutheran World Relief
iMMAP Inc.
INMED Partnerships for Children
International Medical Corps
International Relief Teams
International Youth Foundation
Islamic Medical Association of North America
Islamic Relief USA
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
Keystone Human Services International
Mennonite Central Committee U.S.
Mercy Corps
Mercy Without Limits, Inc.
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
Mobility International USA
Opération USA
Oxfam America
Pan American Development Foundation
Penny Appeal USA
Physicians for Peace
Plan International USA
Planet Aid, Inc.
Project Concern International
Project HOPE
Refugees International
Relief International
Save the Children U.S.
Seva Foundation
Solar Cookers International
Syria Relief and Development
Team Rubicon
The BOMA Project
The Hunger Project
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
United Mission For Relief and Development
Water for South Sudan, Inc.
World Connect
World Learning