Statement in Response to President Trump’s Proposed Funding Rescissions
InterAction, the largest U.S.-based alliance of international NGOs and partners, released the following statement in response to President Trump’s Proposed Funding Rescissions.
“Foreign assistance has been a longstanding bipartisan priority built on the shared understanding that a more prosperous world advances America’s interests and reflects American values. Once again, that basic principle is under attack as the Trump administration seeks to withhold critical aid to the most vulnerable. This latest attempt to disrupt global health, humanitarian, and poverty-focused development assistance undermines lifesaving programs’ effectiveness.
“If not immediately rejected or withdrawn, it will delay lifesaving investments to millions already suffering from the pandemic’s health and economic effects. Perhaps most viciously, the proposed funding cuts include emergency funding for Gavi, which will help speed the delivery of vaccines worldwide and help put an end to this pandemic. We ask Congress to take immediate bipartisan action to reject this proposal.”