Budget and Appropriations

InterAction works with its Members to promote a robust U.S. foreign assistance budget that funds effective humanitarian aid resources and promotes better development outcomes.

Our community engages with Congress to ensure the U.S. remains focused on ending global poverty, furthering economic development, fighting global hunger, and combating human-induced climate change, all of which alleviate human suffering and protect the economic and security interests of America.


U.S. Foreign Assistance

Choose to Invest FY 2022

Choose to Invest provides Congress, the administration, and other interested stakeholders with funding recommendations and justifications for 45 poverty-focused accounts and programs
Jan 28, 2021
U.S. Foreign Assistance

Launching Choose to Invest FY2025

The answer is clear: for less than 1% of the federal budget, the United States’ global development and humanitarian assistance can lift millions of people out of poverty, end extreme hunger, protect human rights, build resilience, and promote responsive democratic governance—all while advancing core American values and economic and security interests.
Mar 28, 2024
U.S. Foreign Assistance

CEO Statement on FY2024 Funding Agreement

“As the world grapples with increasing poverty and the eruption of humanitarian crises in nearly every region, Congress’ proposed full-year spending bill attempts to douse these raging fires with a garden hose."
Mar 21, 2024

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