Photo by Aung Chan Thar is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Civil Society Education

U.S.-based international NGOs often find that policies meant to advance American interests have unintended consequences that impede principled humanitarian action, development initiatives, and peacebuilding programs.

To protect civil society operating space, InterAction educates Congress, U.S. agencies, and multilateral bodies on the need for policy reforms. Our recommended policy changes are informed by consultations with our coalition, meaning that InterAction’s seat at the table allows our Members’ voices—and those that they serve—to be heard.

At the same time, InterAction educates Member organizations on policy and legislation changes that affect their operations, sharing informational resources and spaces for dialogue.


Empowering Civil Society

Disinformation Toolkit

This document explores simple steps international advocacy organizations and humanitarian group can take to be better prepared for disinformation attacks.
Jun 13, 2018
Empowering Civil Society

Supreme Court Ruling Is Good News for INGOs

In a case with potentially significant implications for international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) that work in proximity to terrorist groups, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the…
Andrea Hall
May 19, 2023
U.S. Foreign Assistance

Choose to Invest FY 2022

Choose to Invest provides Congress, the administration, and other interested stakeholders with funding recommendations and justifications for 45 poverty-focused accounts and programs
Jan 28, 2021