People stand in the midst of rubble following an airstrike in yemen

Yemen Civil War (2015-present)

InterAction and its Members seek to raise awareness of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen, as well as ongoing access and security issues NGOs experience when delivering lifesaving aid.

The war, which began in 2014 and has drawn in international forces and various rebel groups, has left some 80% of the country dependent on humanitarian aid to survive.


Crises & Countries in Conflict

Humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains the worst in the world, warns UN

An estimated 24 million people need assistance and protection in Yemen, the UN warned on Thursday. With famine threatening hundreds of thousands of lives, humanitarian aid is increasingly becoming the only lifeline for millions across the country.
UN News
Feb 14, 2019
Crises & Countries in Conflict

The U.S. Supports a Deadly, Saudi-Led War in Yemen

A public accounting for Saudi Arabia's conduct in Yemen is critical, and evidence by experts outside the U.S. government should be considered when determining future certifications. InterAction member organizations and other civil society groups should support congressional hearings on this matter and weigh in with both Congress and the State Department about their concerns in Yemen.
Tom Buttry
Sep 20, 2018

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