Working Groups

About Working Groups

Open to Member Staff only*, InterAction facilitates more than 30 working groups—from region-focused to sector-specific—which convene Member staff to share information, organize advocacy, and promote ideas.

When registering for working groups, listservs, or communities of practice we suggest that you limit your selection to 5 per category to acclimate to the varying workflows until registering for additional working groups.

*Consultants or third-party vendors/partners hired by Members are not eligible to participate.

Country/Region Working Group


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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Afghanistan context.


Basic Education Coalition

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The Basic Education Coalition is an independent, nonprofit advocacy organization working to ensure that all children around the world have access to quality basic education. The Coalition works to influence Congress and the Administration to enhance the effectiveness of education programs. A separate Membership fee paid to BEC is required for participation in the organization’s activities.

Country/Region Working Group


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This working group meets on an ad hoc basis to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Caribbean context.

Thematic Working Group

Children and Youth

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The Children and Youth Working Group meets monthly and aims to bridge sectoral divides and elevate children and youth within InterAction’s existing sector working groups. By employing the Whole Child Development approach, this group advocates for U.S. government programs, policies, and funding that are integrated, cross-sectoral, and support children and youth throughout all life stages.

Thematic Working Group

Climate Advocacy

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The Climate Advocacy Working Group provides Members with networked learning and collective action opportunities to advocate for U.S. and multilateral policies, approaches, and resources to decelerate climate change and support the world’s most vulnerable to adapt to its effects. This monthly working group is one of three convening spaces supporting Members to implement InterAction’s NGO Climate Compact.

Thematic Working Group

Climate Mainstreaming

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The ad hoc Climate Mainstreaming Working Group supports Members during their climate change education and highlights opportunities and risks associated with climate change in development and humanitarian programming. This is one of three convening spaces supporting Members’ implementation of InterAction’s NGO Climate Compact. 

Thematic Working Group

Communications Directors

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A  space for the most senior-level communications staff person to network, brainstorm, and collaborate. This group also pulls together common messaging and activities around key development and humanitarian issues and campaigns affecting the InterAction community, including conflict and natural disasters.

To sign-up for this working group, please email Morgan Martinez, InterAction’s Senior Director of Communications and Public Engagement, by clicking the “Join” button below. All emails must come from a Member organization email address.

Democratic Republic of Congo

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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the DRC context.

Thematic Working Group

Development Finance

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The monthly Development Finance Corporation (DFC) Working Group tracks the International Development Finance Corporation and advocates for prioritizing sustainable development in U.S. development finance toward U.S. Congress and the Administration.

Staff Contact


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The Disability Listserv promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities as a human rights issue and a critical component of effective development.

Thematic Working Group

Disaster Risk Reduction

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The ad hoc Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Working Group provides a forum to share practical international experiences and knowledge and works to improve coordination and raise risk reduction on the international policy and programming agenda. This group is open to InterAction Members and partner organizations.

Thematic Working Group

Environmental Sustainability

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The Environmental Sustainability Working Group provides networked learning opportunities for Members to measure their carbon footprint, chart a course for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, and maintain organizational commitment to sustainability. This monthly working group is one of three convening spaces supporting Members to implement InterAction’s NGO Climate Compact.

Thematic Working Group

Evaluation and Program Effectiveness Community of Practice

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This Community of Practice builds the capacity of Members to measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of their work and promotes the exchange of information on tools, resources, best practices, and experiences on monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning, and research.

Thematic Working Group

Food Security, Nutrition, and Agriculture

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The Food Security, Nutrition, and Agriculture Working Group is an active NGO community and learning space for InterAction Members to share best practices, current challenges, and recent research. This working group seeks to support and strengthen U.S. NGOs that are actively implementing or advocating for programs in international agricultural development, nutrition, and global food security. This group meets monthly to focus on engagement with Congress and the Administration to ensure that U.S. investments in global food security and nutrition programs remain effective, funded at appropriate levels to reach those in need, and fit to purpose to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Thematic Working Group

Forced Displacement

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The Forced Displacement Working Group (FDWG) aims to strengthen and inform the humanitarian response to issues of forced displacement through INGO engagement with key stakeholders and provides a space to develop collective INGO positioning. The working group meets monthly.



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The Fragility Listserv offers Members periodic updates on policy and programmatic issues on the challenges of transforming unstable, conflict-affected societies into resilient ones. It focuses on themes of peacebuilding, violence prevention, and operating in fragile contexts.

Thematic Working Group

From Pledge to Action PSEAH

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The From Pledge to Action (FP2A) Working Group meets monthly and is the central forum for Members to discuss and build consensus around effective approaches to enhance safeguarding and prevent sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. Together we seek to strengthen policies, procedures, reporting mechanisms, and survivor support systems; share best practices; and build working cultures that allow staff and local communities to thrive.

Staff Contact
Thematic Working Group

G7 / G20 Advocacy Alliance

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The G7/G20 Advocacy Alliance is a group of InterAction Members and allies who work together to influence the annual G7 and G20 summits. Each year, the alliance organizes policy teams around specific issues and develops recommendations for G7 and G20 policy papers. Policy papers are used to brief the White House, USAID, and the Department of State, among others.

Thematic Working Group

GBV PEF Community of Practice

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This Community of Practice (CoP) is for practitioners who are piloting the GBV PEF. InterAction Members and non-Members are invited to apply to join. The CoP serves as a space for CoP Members to connect with other practitioners using the GBV PEF across diverse contexts and to learn from each other’s expertise and experiences. Interested staff must apply using the below form.

For the application in French, click HERE. For Spanish, click HERE. For Arabic, click HERE.

Staff Contact
Thematic Working Group

Gender-Based Violence

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The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Working Group provides a collective voice to advance the GBV programming and policy concerns of InterAction Member organizations engaged in humanitarian and conflict programs. The working group meets monthly.

Country/Region Working Group

Great Lakes

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This working group meets on an ad hoc basis to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Great Lakes region. 

Country/Region Working Group

Horn of Africa

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This working group meets on an ad hoc basis to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Horn of Africa region.


Innovative Finance for Development

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Building on previous work on innovative finance for development practice, this distribution list circulates updates on opportunities for engagement among InterAction Members.

Country/Region Working Group


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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Iraq context.

Country/Region Working Group

Jordan / Lebanon

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This working group meets on an ad hoc basis to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for Jordan/Lebanon.

Country/Region Working Group

Latin America

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This working group meets monthly to discuss Latin America regional response and related advocacy.

Country/Region Working Group

Myanmar / Bangladesh

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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Myanmar/Bangladesh context.


NGO Futures

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InterAction’s NGO Futures initiative brings together CEOs and other executive leaders to explore the role of U.S.-based NGOs. The mission of NGO Futures is to revolutionize NGOs’ ability to adapt to change and shape a thriving global future. This new initiative offers workshops, trainings, and retreats to create a platform for exploration to occur.

Country/Region Working Group

Nigeria / Lake Chad Basin

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This working group meets on an ad hoc basis to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Nigeria/Lake Chad Basin region.

Country/Region Working Group


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This working group meets on an ad hoc basis to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Pakistan context.

Thematic Working Group

PPC Budget & Appropriations Subcommittee

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The Public Policy Committee Budget and Appropriations Subcommittee provides a venue for Members to engage with the annual appropriations process and learn about U.S. government budget issues. This working group meets twice a month.

Staff Contact
Thematic Working Group


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The monthly Protection Working Group advances the protection programming and policy concerns of InterAction Member organizations. It seeks to strengthen the capacity of Members to identify and respond to protection challenges in the field and at the headquarters level. 

Thematic Working Group

Public Policy Committee

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The Public Policy Committee (PPC) provides a venue for Members to come together to share information and coordinate joint advocacy work focused on U.S. government policymakers in Congress and the executive branch. This group meets monthly.

Staff Contact

Results-Based Protection

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The Results-Based Protection Program gathers experts working to identify, review, and document key elements that support results-based approaches to protection programming.

Country/Region Working Group


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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Sahel region.



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The Security Listserv is open to Member staff whose responsibilities include the safety and security of their staff as a means to share relevant information on current issues. Ad hoc security-focused meetings are occasionally scheduled and based on Member needs.

Staff Contact
Thematic Working Group

Shelter and Settlements

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The Shelter and Settlements Working Group (SSWG) focuses on improving the collaboration, capacity, policy, and practice of organizations involved in the humanitarian shelter and settlement sector. It serves as a link to their global efforts with the intent of increasing the contribution and impact of humanitarian assistance. This working group meets monthly.


Social Media

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InterAction’s Social Media listserv shares social media campaign toolkits, news, and best practices. 

Staff Contact
Country/Region Working Group

South Sudan / Sudan

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This working group meets quarterly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the South Sudan/Sudan context.


Strengthening Partnerships

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InterAction’s Strengthening Partnerships listserv provides information that facilitates greater cooperation between the U.S. government and NGOs. Its goal is to provide better program designs, increase efficiency, and engage policymakers and legislators in their efforts to increase the impact of U.S. foreign assistance.

Staff Contact
Country/Region Working Group

Syria Regional Response

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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Syria context.

Thematic Working Group

U.N. Partnerships

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The new UN Partnership Working Group provides a platform for InterAction members to dialogue, share information, and advance organizational interests within operational and thematic partnership initiatives with UN agencies, especially WFP and UNHCR. This working group meets bimonthly, with ad hoc meetings scheduled as needed.

Country/Region Working Group


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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Ukraine regional response.

Thematic Working Group

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

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The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Working Group seeks to improve U.S. government policies related to WASH issues to increase sustainable access to these basic services in the developing world, improve the integration of WASH across development sectors, and prioritize service access to communities most in need.

Staff Contact
Country/Region Working Group

West Bank / Gaza

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This working group meets quarterly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the West Bank/Gaza region.

Country/Region Working Group


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This working group meets monthly to share information, discuss operational concerns, and coordinate advocacy efforts for the Yemen context.

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