Write For Us
Blog Submission Guidelines
As a community hub, InterAction welcomes submissions from our Members. At this time, we are not accepting blogs from non-Member organizations or individuals.
Please read the following guidelines before submission, and if you have any questions, email us at communications@interaction.org.
Acceptable Topics: We accept submissions as pitches or fully written articles on topics related to InterAction’s work. We are not able to accept any submissions that are purely self-promotional for a particular NGO or CSO as a whole. However, we gladly accept submissions on a particular project by an NGO or CSO.
The blog is not a vehicle for press releases. If you have a question about whether your topic fits our needs, please contact us at communications@interaction.org.
Acceptable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Humanitarian crises
- Development issues and new trends
- Issues affecting the NGO community as a whole
- Successful programs or innovations, or lessons learned
- Current events or policies affecting InterAction’s Members
- Personal stories and/or perspectives from aid workers or beneficiaries
- NGO practices
- Commentary on issues relevant to the InterAction community
Originality: We welcome original material. We do not cross-post from other blogs.
Audience: Our audience ranges from development professionals to lawmakers to donors and the interested public.
Word Count: Blogs should be anywhere between 400-800 words. Please be concise and consider overall readability. For example, readers who are not from the sector should be able to understand the gist of your written piece.
Style: Please write in an easy-to-understand, accessible style by avoiding jargon and being overly technical. Because most of our audience is U.S.-based, we are only able to accept blogs written in English.
Format and editing: All submissions will be edited for correct grammar and formatted per InterAction’s stylebook, which is based on AP Style, before publication. We may also break up long blocks of text to increase readability and rephrase sentences to be consistent with InterAction’s conversational tone for blog posts. Keep headlines short and simple, preferably no more than 11 words (headlines are subject to change).
Author bio: Your blog post will be published under your byline, along with a two-sentence description of your position and organization. When submitting a pitch or blog post, please include a headshot and a two-sentence bio. Unless you are posting the blog for someone else — for example, a coworker or a partner you wrote the blog with — please do not add any author information in the text of the blog.
Images: We welcome editorial image submissions with your blog, as long as you have the rights to the image and provide a brief caption and photo credit. Images must respect the dignity, values, history, religion and culture of the subject photographed. They must also accurately reflect the subject being discussed and not be misleading. We also have the capacity to embed a video in your blog post, when appropriate.
Payment: InterAction is unable to pay for contributed blog posts.
Disclaimer: InterAction retains the right to republish blog posts in any of our other publications. InterAction also reserves the right to decline to publish a submitted pitch blog post for any reason, including duplication of recent topics, the need for significant rewrites, pieces that are self-promotional, pieces that are discriminatory or offensive, or if the topic does not fit with our needs. Because of the moderation process and our monthly editorial calendar, blogs will not be published immediately. If several blog posts are submitted at once (either by one person or by several individuals), InterAction may stagger their publications to ensure each blog post can be adequately shared and promoted.