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Press Release

InterAction Applauds Congressional Rebuff of Disastrous White House Cuts, Urges Full Funding for International Affairs Budget in FY19

“Countless lives are currently at risk around the world. We are facing the largest displacement crisis since World War II, and 76 million people will require food assistance this year alone. Smart American leadership is needed now more than ever, and we must increase our commitment to the world.” said InterAction President Lindsay Coates

March 23, 2018
Press Release

In New Podcast, InterAction CEO Shares Insights on Response to Current Humanitarian Crises

InterAction CEO noted that the gap between current needs and what the humanitarian system can currently deliver is increasing.

March 27, 2018
Blog Post

CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment by and of NGO Staff

The CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment by and of NGO Staff represents our commitment to practices and policies that will not only protect our own staff, but also the communities we serve.

March 28, 2018
Press Release

InterAction Announces Pledge on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment

“We recognize the long-term effects that sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment have on individuals and work cultures, and this pledge sets out a series of promises from NGOs leaders" said InterAction President Lindsay Coates .

March 28, 2018
Blog Post

The Impact and Future of the Global Food Security Act

“Food security is not just about food. It’s about giving farmers in rural areas a disposable income,” said Paul Guenette

March 29, 2018
Blog Post

NGO Statement of Support: Strengthening US Food Assistance Programs

"Ending hunger in our lifetimes is possible, but many challenges to this goal remain"

March 30, 2018
Blog Post

Moving in the right direction: A pledge to end sexual abuse and exploitation

Oxfam America President Abby Maxman hopes this is just the beginning of coordinated and collective action that the aid and development world needs to stamp out sexual abuse and harassment.

March 30, 2018
In the News

Russia’s Nefarious Meddling is Nothing Like Democracy Assistance

With continued revelations of Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a specious narrative has come back into circulation: that Moscow’s campaign of political warfare is no different from U.S.- ­supported democracy assistance.

April 10, 2018
Blog Post

How the U.S. Can Maintain its Position as a Global Leader

In the face of humanitarian crises, increasing violent conflict, and famine, American leadership across the globe is needed now more than ever.

April 11, 2018
Young girls sit outside of classroom on the landing. The smile as they are learning. While all the girls are dressed in black, one girl stands out in pink, as she holds a globe.
Blog Post

Smart and Meaningful American Leadership is Needed Now More Than Ever

"In a world of such complex challenges, it is vital that the United States continues its role in global leadership and engagement. "

April 11, 2018
Four children play and laugh in field of golden yellow flowers.
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