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InterAction Quoted

Is that environmental group a pawn of Beijing? Nonprofits wary of being branded ‘foreign agents’

“It is not at all clear where this is headed,” said Sam Worthington. He warns that thousands of American nonprofits could find themselves in the same predicament as the Natural Resources Defense Council."

June 14, 2018
InterAction Quoted

Podcast: How Oxfam America Takes on ‘Structural Issues That Keep People Poor

"We convened other CEOs in the sector and said, what can we do to bring more attention and capacity for better approaches to protecting staff, communities, and ensuring policies and systems are in place?" said Abby maxman, CEO of Oxfam America.

June 15, 2018
Blog Post

U.S. Immigration Officials’ Forceful Separation of Children From Their Parents is Cruel and Inhumane

"The administration’s current actions violate the U.S. Refugee Act of 1980, are against the values of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and must stop."

June 19, 2018
Blog Post

Highlights from InterAction Forum 2018: USAID’s Mark Green, Innovative Finance Pitch Competition and More

Highlights from one of D.C.'s largest gatherings of international development and humanitarian professionals.

June 19, 2018
three women and a man pose for a photo in front of a step and repeat
Press Release

CEOs of Seven Leading International Development and Humanitarian NGOs Join InterAction’s Board of Directors

The newest additions will join a group committed to solving some of the world's most pressing challenges.

June 20, 2018
people sit around various tables during a meeting. In the foreground, two women speak at a table.
Press Release

Senate Passes Global Food Security Reauthorization Act

Legislation will build on U.S. efforts to end global hunger and malnutrition.

June 20, 2018
Blog Post

Celebrating InterAction’s 16th Annual Photo Contest Winners

This year's winners depicted powerful stories of hope, independence, and future possibilities.

June 21, 2018
A smiling young girl, lifts her scarf overhead on a clear, sunny day. In the background, a young bow stands underneath a tree covered in debris.

Congress Must Put an End to Administration’s Prosecution and Detention of Asylum Seekers

"The trauma caused to children and families seeking refuge in our nation by these policies will have ramifications for generations to come."

June 21, 2018
Three men and a woman facing large metal structure separating the U.S. and Mexico
Press Release

InterAction Promotes Carolyn Aeby As New Vice President of Membership and Public Engagement

Aeby will lead a newly formed team comprised of the former Membership and Standards, Communications and NGO Futures teams.

June 25, 2018
Blog Post

In ‘Courage of Our Convictions’, NGO Leaders Recount Efforts to Defeat Discriminatory Legislation

When legislation threatened one NGO, these CEOs stood up.

June 26, 2018
Men and women on stage linking arms to show solidarity
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