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Blog Post

7 Steps to Combat Disinformation

The spread of false information online is growing. Here's how you can address it.

June 28, 2018
Blog Post

Age Demand Action Platform Fights For the Rights of Older People Around the World

This year, the UN is focused on the urgent need to meet autonomy and independence of older persons without forgetting the urgency to shield them from violence, abuse, and neglect.

July 3, 2018
Blog Post

Reflections from InterAction Forum 2018

Whether you are part of a large NGO, a small grassroots organization, or are a boots-on-the-ground humanitarian, your work is important and deserves an audience willing to receive it. Through a smart digital strategy and simple design, you can reach more people and inspire them to take action.

July 5, 2018
Blog Post

Government Policies Affecting Immigrants and Asylum Seekers Worsen

It is incumbent on those of us who are part of the InterAction community, and broader civil society, to root American values, that affirm the potential and dignity of all people as a welcoming and compassionate nation, in our hearts. We must be an example for our leaders and our neighbors.

July 9, 2018
Blog Post

Guidelines for NGO Coordination with Military Actors During Humanitarian Crises

When responding to humanitarian crises, NGOs independently asses the risks of when, how, and why they would or would not coordinate their activities with the U.S. military.

July 13, 2018
Blog Post

InterAction Welcomes Nine New Members

InterAction welcomed nine new members into our coalition in June 2018. These members represent a wide range of work within the international development and humanitarian sectors, bringing knowledge and expertise on issues ranging from health and wellness to data, civilian protection to poverty alleviation.

July 16, 2018
Blog Post

Could Family Separation Increase Human Trafficking Risk for Immigrant Children?

Confusion and desperation in regard to immigration policies fuels human trafficking around the globe. Beyond the immediate dangers, the separation of children from their families only adds to the mental and emotional anguish of children who’ve already endured much on their way to the U.S. Southern border.

July 17, 2018
Three men and a woman facing large metal structure separating the U.S. and Mexico
Blog Post

Social Inclusion: The Key to Effective Global Development

Incorporating social inclusion practices into global development efforts is not simply a feel-good exercise, it’s central to meeting many goals.

July 25, 2018
Blog Post

A focused look at the work of current nonprofit boards

To survive and thrive, nonprofits themselves need to be increasingly sophisticated, and their boards should co-lead this charge.

July 27, 2018
A group of men and women look at posters attached to a wall, discussing feedback.
Blog Post

What You Need to Know about Using Innovative Financing Tools in Fragile Contexts

Webinar explores how innovative finance tools can be used to address development and humanitarian needs in fragile states.

July 28, 2018
graphic showing mobile banking around the globe. A large phone positioned over a world map with a hand touching the screen indicating money being transferred.
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