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Blog Post

InterAction Fellowship Program Welcomes First Cohort

Four established leaders from the international nonprofit community have joined InterAction in its first fellowship program cohort.

October 5, 2018
InterAction Quoted

Push to toughen foreign lobbying law stalls amid opposition

"An alliance of more than 40 nongovernmental organizations called InterAction has urged lawmakers to repair vague and outdated provisions in the current law before passing a new one that strengthens the government's hand."

October 9, 2018
Blog Post

A Case for Gender Equality on this Day and Every Day

Despite remarkable progress, gender inequality and disempowerment still persist and are a root cause of many barriers to sustainable development around the world.

October 11, 2018
Blog Post

Hunger in Yemen: A “Slow Motion Collapse”

The current level of hunger in Yemen is unprecedented, with almost 18 million people lacking enough food.

October 15, 2018
Blog Post

Holding Private Donors Accountable

"We need to ensure that good practice, experience, transparency, and co-creation govern private assistance programs."

October 16, 2018
Blog Post

The Top 9 Causes of Global Poverty

11% of the world’s population is living in extreme poverty, which is defined as surviving on only $1.90 a day.

October 17, 2018
In the News

Why is Yemen the world’s worst humanitarian crisis?

The war in Yemen is contributing to what the United Nations says could become "the worst famine in the world in 100 years."

October 18, 2018

NGO Community Response to USAID Transformation

The proposed structural shifts have the potential to change how USAID engages with Congress, the NGO sector, and others.

October 22, 2018
Blog Post

Q&A: American perceptions of U.S. Foreign Policy

The 2018 Chicago Council Survey tell us that Americans want to engage the world, rather than back away from it.

October 22, 2018
Blog Post

The Global Food Security Act — Reaffirming the United States’ Commitment to End World Hunger

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Global Food Security Reauthorization Act, which President Trump recently signed. The reauthorization of…

October 23, 2018
Two women stand in behind a bike, smiling as they pose for the camera. One woman holds a child in her hands.
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