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Blog Post

InterAction Mission Report: Myanmar: June 2018

InterAction conducted a short mission from June 2-6, 2018 in Myanmar to examine critical protection issues and trends.

October 29, 2018

InterAction Stands Together with HIAS and the Jewish Community of Pittsburgh

InterAction condemns the horrendous attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

October 29, 2018

U.S. Humanitarian and Development Organizations Denounce Discrimination and Intolerance

We unequivocally condemn the recent horrendous attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

October 31, 2018
Blog Post

Moving Forward Together, Leaving No One Behind: From Stigmatization to Social Cohesion in Post-Conflict Iraq

InterAction conducted field research in Erbil, Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Anbar, and Karbala from July 23-August 9, 2018 to assess the most pressing protection issues.

October 31, 2018
Blog Post

Attacks on Media Workers Grow and Few Punished

"Two media workers have been murdered each week on average this year—73 to date, making it likely the number of those killed will meet or exceed that of 2017, when 82 media workers were murdered."

November 2, 2018
Blog Post

Stock-Take On The IASC Protection Policy And The Centrality Of Protection

The outcome report following an October 2018 workshop to take stock of implementation of the IASC Policy on Protection in Humanitarian Action (2016) and the IASC Principals Statement on the Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action (2013).

November 7, 2018
Blog Post

From Dependency to Partnership: Why We Need to Radically Transform the Donor-Grantee Relationship

Our sector needs a radical transformation if we are to adapt to changing times and new models of impact-driven work.

November 9, 2018
Blog Post

Mounting Challenges Won’t Deter NGO Community

"We will continue to speak up against the irrational fear and hatred."

November 15, 2018
InterAction Quoted

Audit finds UN refugee agency critically mismanaged donor funds in Uganda

Uganda “was branded globally as the example to follow”, said Julien Schopp, director of humanitarian practice at US NGO consortium InterAction.

November 18, 2018
Blog Post

InterAction Myanmar Mission Report: May 2017

The risks faced by certain sections of the civilian population in Myanmar are significant including, for example, exposure to indiscriminate use of force by parties to conflict in areas where civilians live.

November 20, 2018
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