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April 8, 2019

BY INVITATION ONLY: Safeguarding Workshop: The Future of Safeguarding

August 8, 2022
Blog Post

COVID-19 Threatens Efforts to Safeguard the Vulnerable From Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

The non-governmental organization (NGO) sector has made progress in preventing sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PSEAH). However, as the COVID-19…

October 6, 2020
Blog Post

Committing to Change

Last year, InterAction awarded 11 grants to Member organizations and CEO Pledge signatories to support internal organizational improvements in safeguarding…

January 6, 2020
Blog Post

Core Standards for Survivor-Centered Support of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment

In 2018, more than 140 of InterAction’s Member CEOs signed the CEO Pledge of Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and…

February 15, 2023

Faith and Child Safeguarding Leadership for Institutional and Grassroots Implementation

November 22, 2021
Press Release

InterAction Announces Pledge on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment

“We recognize the long-term effects that sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment have on individuals and work cultures, and this pledge sets out a series of promises from NGOs leaders" said InterAction President Lindsay Coates .

March 28, 2018

InterAction Awards

May 22, 2019
Blog Post

InterAction Launches New Funding Opportunity to Initiate Change in NGO Safeguarding

InterAction with its members are working to change the structural and cultural barriers to addressing sexual harassment and abuse within…

May 3, 2019
Members of CRS-supported SILC groups (Savings and Internal Lending Communities) dance together during a meeting in Awaradoni village, Upper East Region, Ghana. These women have begun making and selling shea nut butter, straw baskets, and parboiled rice ever since interrupted weather patterns related to climate change have inhibited their abilities to earn livelihoods through farming. Awaradoni village, Talensi District, Upper East Region, Ghana, West Africa. March 19, 2016 - Photo by Jake Lyell for CRS.
Blog Post

InterAction Launches Piloting Solutions Grants to Address Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment

Piloting Solutions Grants InterAction is pleased to issue our second call for proposals for member organizations and signatories to our…

June 19, 2019
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