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Blog Post

InterAction Member Recommendations for the Haiti Humanitarian Response

The crisis in Haiti is multidimensional, fueled by a combination of endemic poverty, sociopolitical unrest, fuel shortages, and long-term economic…

June 9, 2023
Blog Post

Report on South Sudan’s Humanitarian Architecture

Over a decade after gaining independence, South Sudan still faces significant humanitarian need, with an estimated 9.4…

August 9, 2023
Blog Post

Two Years After Taliban Takeover, the Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan Remains Critical

August 19 marks two years since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, following the United States military withdrawal and collapse…

August 18, 2023
Blog Post

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in the Central Sahel

Armed conflict, climate change, food insecurity, and recent…

December 5, 2023
Blog Post

The Top 9 Causes of Global Poverty

11% of the world’s population is living in extreme poverty, which is defined as surviving on only $1.90 a day.

October 17, 2018
Blog Post

NGO Statement of Support: Strengthening US Food Assistance Programs

"Ending hunger in our lifetimes is possible, but many challenges to this goal remain"

March 30, 2018
Blog Post

Hunger in Yemen: A “Slow Motion Collapse”

The current level of hunger in Yemen is unprecedented, with almost 18 million people lacking enough food.

October 15, 2018
Blog Post

The Impact and Future of the Global Food Security Act

“Food security is not just about food. It’s about giving farmers in rural areas a disposable income,” said Paul Guenette

March 29, 2018

NGO Statement of Support: International Food Assistance Programs in the Final 2018 Farm Bill

The Farm Bill advances key reforms to the Food for Peace program that our community supports.

December 12, 2018
Press Release

Senate Passes Global Food Security Reauthorization Act

Legislation will build on U.S. efforts to end global hunger and malnutrition.

June 20, 2018
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