Found 19 results for

INTERPOL Project Soteria Factsheet

April 19, 2021

PSEA in the Employee Lifecycle: Action Against Hunger

These tools from Action Against Hunger help organizations mainstream PSEA during the employee lifecycle. They include: Webpage Commitment Talent Acquisition Onboarding Performance Management Motivation and Retention Separation HR & Organization PSEA Guide

June 9, 2021

Sample Self Declaration Questions

December 6, 2019

Scenario-Based Recruitment Questions

This document contains a set of scenario-based questions for HR recruitment interviews The purpose of these questions is to help recruiters be more discerning with their selection of job candidates and these questions should help interviewees see beyond the usual standard responses by digging much deeper into attitudes, values, and competencies of candidates in this case particularly around SEAH. The guiding questions here are meant to complement good recruitment practices; PSEAH (prevention of sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment) and thorough safeguarding practice.

August 30, 2021

SHEA and Safeguarding Stakeholder Panel Terms of Reference (ToR)

The SHEA and Safeguarding Stakeholder Panel is responsible for: • Leading the AA entities’ work on SHEA and Safeguarding, working collaboratively to ensure a holistic approach to SHEA and Safeguarding across the entity and reporting regularly to the SMT who have overall responsibility over SHEA and Safeguarding • Receiving, triaging and managing SHEA and Safeguarding concerns and complaints

May 19, 2021

Staff Perception Survey

In late 2019, InterAction hired Keystone Accountability, an organization specialized in feedback systems, to develop a questionnaire and accompanying guidance notes. This includes: (1) A full questionnaire of the staff perception survey on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in their organizations. (2) A facilitation guide for follow-up dialogues with staff. (3) A set of scenario-based questions for HR recruitment interviews The present document includes guidance for organizations using the staff perception questionnaire. It explains the rationale behind the choices made in the questionnaire and provides concrete guidance for survey administration, analysis, and follow-up. (4) A guidance note for international NGOs.

April 2, 2021

Strengthening Reference Checking Systems

November 25, 2019

Strengthening Reference Checks

December 6, 2019

Trickle Up: Low and No-Cost Safeguarding Measures for Small Non-Profits: A Manual

October 14, 2020